For help on any subject relating to your company's year-end activities, please use the Contact us function ( > Contact us).
1: Payroll Production
Providing that all governmental rates impacting payroll are officially published, we expect to be able to process your first payroll for 2024 around mid-December 2023.
Yes. The payroll data can be entered and submitted on the day of your choosing, by keeping the payable date indicated in the schedule. The processing date and payment date can be a maximum of 30 days apart if the payment method is by deposit.
Make sure to enter the correct pay period end and payable dates.
If vacation pay is payable on the same day as your current pay, you can process it separately. Consequently, your employees will receive two pays on the same date (current regular pay and vacation pay).
If you select “same pay period” as the payment type, in-house deductions (group insurance, social club, etc.) will not be deducted from the vacation pay. To deduct these amounts, select “another pay period.”
We must be informed if you wish to add a 53rd or 27th pay period for the current year.
▪You might have to modify your banks’ renewal date. In this case, please advise customer service.
▪At the last payroll of the year, the system will not consider the exemption used for the Canada Pension Plan and the Québec Pension Plan (QPP) calculation, since it has already been granted for the year.
▪This additional payroll will increase the employee’s annual salary and will affect the income tax calculation.
▪At the last payroll of the year, the amounts for the “in-house” deductions (such as group insurance, social club, etc.) will be deducted from this additional payroll.
▪Monthly and optional reports will be reissued and billed again (except if you added the pay period and modified the report schedule before the last payroll processing).
▪If you have a CCQ report, please refer to the schedule transmitted by the Commission de la construction du Québec in order to meet the deadlines. |
No. The preview is only available from the Payroll menu.
2: Year-end Reports
Yes. You can access the Year-end report production or cancellation request function via the Year-end menu (Manage year-end reports section) or under the Reports menu (Annual reports section)
To obtain the 2023 data, the reports must be ordered and produced before your tax slips are produced. Otherwise you will obtain 2024 data.
Reports are billed each time you order one (one-time fee per report).
The fees are displayed in the Manage year-end reports screen.
My special year-end reports (ordered or to be ordered) are available in the Manage year-end report screen.
My produced year-end reports are available in the Annual reports screen.
The reports outlined in my company’s service Service agreement are available in the Service agreement screen.
See a summary table of useful reports at the end of the year here.
The Application manager and a User - access to functions have the permissions to access the reports. Only the Application manager can grant access rights.
No. The credits and tax reductions for each employee are available in the Employment and compensation function.
Users who use the report creation option in the Report Generator solution can create a custom report for themselves.
Note that the employer is not responsible for additional income tax deductions. Rather, it is the employee’s responsibility. However, in accordance with the best practices, employees who need to make changes to their personal tax credits should be invited to complete new TP1015.3 and TD1 forms.
Please ask your business’s application manager to verify your access rights for the requested report.
The report is issued when the last pay period registered in the payroll schedule is processed. WCB and CNT reports are located in Payroll reports (PDF) even if they were requested via the year-end tab.
3: Rates (update)
You must change it manually only if your rate does not correspond to one of the rates indicated on the table below. To do so, use the EI rate function.
Rates for other provinces
Rates for Québec
Category 1
Category 2
Category 3
Category 4
Category 1
Category 2
Category 3
Category 4
No. Only clients with more than one classification unit need to change their classification rate. Otherwise, the basic personal amount is updated by our system.
Clients with more than one classification unit must modify their rates based on the information outlined in the letter from the SST, using the SST remittance rate (SST or WCB) function. Therefore, if you do not make these changes, we cannot guarantee SST report data accuracy.
No. It is the client’s responsibility to update these rates, which are imposed by the government. Note that the FSS rate is based on your company’s total payroll, and we do not have all the data required to perform the rate update request.
To change your rates, use the HSF rate or EHT rate function.
4: Remittances
You can validate this information in the Bank accounts and remittances function.
If CNT Remittances is Annual, we remit the contribution for you*. Otherwise, the CNT remittance is your responsibility.
*If we remit the contribution for you, the CNT remittance amount is debited from your bank account with the last payroll of the year and the debit amount is reflected separately from the payroll debit.
If we remit your Contribution related to labour standards (CNT) for you, the CNT remittance amount is debited from your bank account with the last payroll of the year and the debit amount is reflected separately from the payroll debit.
5: Year-to-date Adjustments (generalities)
Why would I need to make year-to-date adjustments during year-end?
Although year-to-date adjustments should be made during the pay period concerned throughout the year, it is possible to make these adjustments at the end of the year. They are normally linked to Box 52 for pension adjustment amounts pertaining to pension plans with a defined benefit provision and to taxable benefits (e.g.: automobile taxable benefit calculation). In short, anything that cannot be adjusted in payroll.
Ideally, you should not wait until year-end to enter your manual cheques, your insurance adjustments, etc. This task should be done on a regular basis in order to lighten the load during year-end.
Yes, as long as you have provided your integration agent with the year-to-dates for the pay periods prior to your first payroll with us. In this case, they will have been entered in your employee files. We recommend that you perform this verification before producing your tax slips.
If your company has an earning such as a non-taxable bonus (only QPP or CPP, employment insurance and QPIC are deducted) and an RRSP deduction, enter the amounts in the appropriate fields. If, needed, contact our customer service to request the creation of theses codes.
Check the year-to-dates in the last payroll record of the current year or in the corrected payroll record (if you have made adjustments), or from each employee’s history.
Other required verifications:
Any source deduction discrepancies identified in your payroll processing by our system. Verify the Pensionable and Insurable Earnings Review (PIER) report to see if any discrepancies have been identified in your payroll processing.
The integrity of the data that will be printed on the tax slips.
Order the T4LIST - List of government statements (T4, T4A, REL1) via the Manage year-end report function. It outlines the earnings and deductions that will be included on each employee’s tax slips.
Current and new employee personal information (address, social insurance number, etc.)
Order the SPD642 - Incomplete employee records report to identity missing information at a glance (Manage year-end report).
What is the deadline to transmit my year-to-date adjustments so that they are included in the income tax slips?
The year-to-date adjustments must be received by February 9, 2024, in order for them to be processed in time for the 2023 tax slips production.
6: Year-to-date adjustments for users of Internet payroll
You must make a year-to-date adjustment for a pay period during which the employee did not receive a pay. The amount will automatically be reflected in Box G-1.
See example
You must make a cancelled payment in order to correct the employee’s year-to-date amounts, because a stop payment does not cancel an employee’s pay.
We recommend that you make a separate payment in which you enter the hours and amounts to be paid, as well as the cheque amount using the D240 deduction code. This way, our application will calculate the pay. If there is a difference between the cheque amount and the pay calculated, our application will pay the employee the difference or enter the amount owing in the appropriate report:
▪Pending distribution codes – SPD606: if you do not have the Deductions to Recover solution;
▪Pending Deduction Code – SPD606AC: if you have the Group Insurance solution combined with the Deductions to Recover solution;
▪Pending Deduction Code – SPD606DA: If you have the Deductions to Recover solution on its own. |
7: Receiving the tax slips
First, make sure that the number of slips is correct* (each employee has their own tax slips).
*The number of tax slips per employee may vary depending on the specifics of your business; if you have a reduced EI rate, some employees may have two tax slips, one for the regular EI rate and one for the reduced EI rate.
In theory, you should have verified the personal information of employees or new employees (address, social insurance number, etc.), as well as the year-to-dates (correctly added adjustments). Nevertheless, if these verifications have not been performed, be sure to complete them before distributing or giving the tax slips to your employees.
For more information, consult the previous section 5: Year-to-dates adjustments (generalities).
If you have no adjustments to send us after your first 2024 payroll and your pension adjustments are automated, the tax slips production will be automated.
Once the tax slips are produced, you will receive a message in the Message button of the Home screen. If you are subscribed to our email list, you will receive the same message by email.
Tax slips production usually begins mid-january.
Some information may be missing which could delay the printing of your tax slips (for example, your year-to-date adjustments, pension adjustments or remittance numbers). If you postponed tax slip production for your company to make adjustments, make sure to authorize the production of tax slips using the function Produce tax slips in the payroll application, once all the adjustments completed.
Download your tax slips in the payroll application, using the Download income tax slips to print function.
Note that the tax slips (paper format) will be delivered according to your company’s delivery method.
In most cases, no. The Ministère des Finances du Québec announced the harmonization of its rules with those outlined in the 2017 federal budget concerning the electronic distribution of tax slips. Under the law, an employee’s written consent to receive their income tax slips in electronic format only is required if the employee’s status is inactive at the time of tax slips production.
You must apply this procedure in order to verify your income tax slips since it is important to confirm the accuracy of the data before making the income tax slips available to your employees.
If you use Internet payroll, you may print a copy of the employee’s slips or you may make a photocopy of the employer copy (the copy is authorized) and write “Copy” on it. However, we recommend that you cross out the employer number on the T4.
8: Submitting documents to revenue agencies
9: Tax slips reproduction
10: Tax slips: T4 and RL-1
Yes, when earnings are taxable at the provincial but not at the federal level. For example, contributions paid by the employer to an insurance plan (including medical care insurance plan) is a taxable benefit at the provincial level only. This benefit is included in boxes A and J of the RL-1, but not in box 14 of the T4 slip.
According to government guidelines, an amount must always be entered in box G, even if the result of the calculation equals zero. The total amount eligible for the Québec Pension Plan is entered in box G, taking into account the annual maximum which is $66,600 for 2023.
The total of the benefits in kind given to the employee during an unpaid absence period (e.g.: sick leave, leave of absence, or maternity leave) and the benefit value related to the purchase of shares from a workers’ fund (CSN, FSTQ). The amount, therefore, corresponds to the taxable benefits received for which the QPP contribution was not deducted. The amount in Box G-1 is deducted from Box G when reviewing the QPP eligible earnings. Example of a RL-a with a G-1 Box.
According to governmental guidelines, an amount must always be entered in boxes 24 and 26, even if the result of the calculation equals zero. The amount in box 24 is the amount eligible to Employment Insurance, considering the yearly maximum of $61,500 for the year 2023. The amount in box 26 is the amount eligible to the Quebec Pension Plan or to the Canada Pension Plan, considering the yearly maximum of $66,600 for the year 2023.
According to Revenu Québec guidelines, an amount must always be entered in box I, even if the salary subject to the Quebec Parental Insurance Plan equals zero. If the amount exceeds the maximum for the current year, we enter the maximum. For 2023, the maximum is $91,000.
According to Canada Revenue Agency guidelines, box 56 of the T4 slip is blank if one of the following situations is applicable: there are no insurable earnings, the insurable earnings amount is the same as the employment income indicated in box 14, or the insurable earnings exceed the maximum insurable amount for the year.
Box 85 of the T4 and box 235 of the RL-1 are optional. However, if an employee requests their medical fees information for their income tax return, you have to provide them with a document confirming this information.
No. Employers may give a letter to their employees.
The information contained in this page reflects the standards, guides, or forms as well as the legislation in effect at the time of its publication. Should changes be made to these standards, guides or forms, or to the legislation, note that this page will not be amended. In such cases, you will have to refer to the different notices that we will produce on the subject as they may contain important information concerning the present Frequently Asked Questions document.
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