Validating the employee list

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Validating the employee list

Access : Payroll > Validate and process payroll > Verify payroll transactions

The employee list appears when you click on one of the hyperlinks on the number corresponding to each of the following sections on the Verify payroll transactions screen:

Number of employees on wages per period (Additional information section)

Number of active employees without pay (Additional information section)

Employee creation (Number section)

Employee rehire (Number section)

Active, Inactive, Terminated, Vacation, Leave of absence ou Total (section Number of employees)

Things to remember

The screen title and information presented differ according to the section requested.

The hyperlink on an employee number allows you to access the corresponding Employment and compensation file and make modifications. To go back to the employees list, click on gobackclosed .

hmtoggle_plus1 Validating salaried employees per period

hmtoggle_plus1 Validating active employees without pay

hmtoggle_plus1 Validating employee creations

hmtoggle_plus1 Validating employee rehires

hmtoggle_plus1 Validating the list of employees by employee status

For more information

Submitting data

Validating all records of employment

Validating and processing payroll data - Additional information

Validating company modifications

Validating employee modifications

Validating enterprise modifications

Validating erroneous payments

Validating erroneous records of employment (ROE SAT)

Validating payments and adjustments

Validating totals

Validating transactions