Training management - Additional information

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Training management - Additional information


To meet the requirements of the Act to promote workforce skills development and recognition, businesses must demonstrate that they allocate at least 1% of their total payroll to employee skills development.

The Training management section, which includes many functions (Training directory, Training plans, Training sessions and Training expense report) and the Training management function are reserved for clients using  the Human resources solution.

These features are there to help you manage employee training activities. You must first define an activity before you can use the other features such as Training sessions and Training plans. The training activity refers to the topic of the training, the session indicates when the training will take place and the training plan includes the series of activities defined according to the specific requirements and skills.

Session definition includes maintaining the participant list and expense list. The Participants and Expenses functions can be found with the General information of each session under Sessions.

Certain access rights are required to access these functions (User management > User profile > Access to functions).

hmtoggle_plus1 Summary of employee information

hmtoggle_plus1 Attached document management

What do you want to do ?

Adding or removing participants

Consulting or modifying the session list

Defining a training plan

Defining or modifying participant information

Defining the activities

Defining the sessions

Generating the expenses report

Example 1 - Report criteria

Example 2 - Attendance record and salary summary

Example 3 - Cost per session summary

Example 4 - Cost summary

Example 5 - Training hours

Managing employee information

Managing training sessions costs

Viewing, modifying or deleting an activity

Viewing, modifying or deleting a session

Viewing, modifying or deleting a training plan