Absence banks and leaves - Additional information

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Absence banks and leaves - Additional information


The different elements in this section are banks, absence settings, holidays, calendar, etc.

Human resources absences and work injuries are displayed if your company uses the Human resources solution.

If your company uses the Time Management solution and has activated Absence requests management, absence requests that are pending, that have been approved, refused or cancelled by the approver may be displayed in the Leaves and absences calendar (per employee) function and the Leaves and absences calendar per group function.

Things to remember

For Self-service users only:

If you give an employee access to the Absence banks and leaves function, they may access it by using the Profil icon or through the My employee file menu to view the banks you will have configured. See Configuring the display of Self-service banking.

Absence requests are displayed only if the user has access to the Requests function, available under the Self-service - My work section of the Access to functions screen.


Things to remember

A user must have Complete access to Display salary (User management > User profile > Access to functions > Confidential data section) to view or modify salary information (hourly rate, annual salary or any other information which identifies an employee’s salary). If the user has a Display salary access checked at None, fields which usually contain salary values contain no values.

hmtoggle_plus1Summary of employee information
hmtoggle_plus1Management of absence settings

What do you want to do?

Managing an employee’s banks

Adding/Deleting Holidays

Configuring the display of Self-service banking

Configuring the legend

Selecting/ Deselecting banks to print for an employee

Selecting the increase factor of an employee vacation bank

Viewing an employee’s attendance

Viewing a group of employees' attendance

Viewing details on the field related to the banks