Year-end - Table of content

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Year-end - Table of content


The Year-end menu is available during the year-end period (as of November 1st of each year).

Some functions are available as of November 1st, while the ones that are used to adjust employees’ year-to-dates1 are displayed only once the first payroll of the following year is processed.

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For help on any subject relating to your company's year-end activities, please use the Contact us function (Docum > Contact us).

Year-end activities: complementary information

Helpful tools during the year-end period

Overview of our application for the year-end period  

Our responsabilities and yours

Check the production status of tax slips

Completing the RL-1 Summary ? (PDF version)

Forms to fill out and send us

Frequently asked questions during the year-end period

List of video tutorials related to the year-end period

Other useful tools

The maximums and rates sheet, which is a table summarizing different important rates to know.

A document listing different up-to-date legislative information.

Both documents are available at all times in the Documentation page of the payroll application: Docum > Documentation.