Completing the RL-1 Summary (RLZ-1.S-V PDF form) - Québec only

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Completing the RL-1 Summary (RLZ-1.S-V PDF form) - Québec only

avertissemnt jaune Attention:

This procedure has been designed to help you complete the PDF version of the form only. Our payroll service does not have access to the electronic version of Clic Sécur.


Note that Nethris cannot complete the RL-1 Summary for you, Revenu Québec (RQ) requires employers to complete and sign this form themselves. To this end, Revenu Québec now accepts electronic signatures for the RL-1 Summary. Besides, some of the required data in regards to your company is not available in our systems.

Deadline: Revenu Québec must receive the summary in their office by the last day of February (postal* or electronic).
*The government’s office must have received the summary no later than the last day of February.  

As a reminder, the payroll application sends the federal summary directly to Canada Revenue Agency together with your tax slips.

hmtoggle_plus1Completing the PDF version of the RL-1 Summary
hmtoggle_plus1Sending the PDF version of the RL-1 Summary

The information reflects the norms, guides, or forms as well as the legislation in effect at the time of its publication. Should changes be made to these norms, guides or forms, or even to the legislation,
note that the information will not be amended. In such cases, you will have to refer to the different notices that we will produce on the subject.


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