Activities to perform prior to the production of income tax slips if YTD adjustments are required

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Activities to perform prior to the production of income tax slips if YTD adjustments are required

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For help on any subject relating to your company's year-end activities, please use the Contact us function (Docum > Contact us).

avertissemnt jaune If no adjustments are required after the first payroll processing of the year, that the codes for maximum dental care protection are entered (new for 2023) and your pension adjustments are automatized, the production date and delivery week (if applicable) of your income tax will be communicated to you via email. No intervention is required on your part.

If you have year-to-date adjustments to make or pension adjustments to add, the following information concerns you.

1Postponing tax slips production (before december 31, productions are automated and start mid-January)

2Adjust YTD and send pension adjustment amount

3Producing tax slips

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