Creating a salary progression by minimum and maximum

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Creating a salary progression by minimum and maximum

Access: Configuration > Human resources > Salary scales

1Click on Create a salary scale.

2In the Salary scale definition screen, enter a  code or short description for Salary scale.

3Enter the descriptions. If only one description is entered, this one will be copied to the missing description once saved.

4Enter the Start date and the End date as required.

If a Start date or an End date is indicated, the salary scale will only be displayed in the Salary scale field list (Employee file > Employee > Profile > Employment and compensation) if the current date corresponds with the indicated date or period.

5Select a Scale type “Min Max.”

6Select the Salary period for which you wish to establish a salary scale.

7Enter the payroll information in the Reference salary (based on the selection made in the previous step).

8Under Min Max, enter the salary in the Minimum salary, Median salary and Maximum salary fields.

The displayed fields are based on the salary period selected in the Salary period field (step 6).

9Click on Save.

For more information

Salary scale management - Additional information