The availability of functions under the SST – WCB and Configuration sections of the Year-end menu depends on the configuration of your company. These functions allow you to view and update the employer rates.
Things to remember
If your company pays remittances to the SST in Quebec and the WCB in Nova Scotia, the title of the function is SST and WCB remittance rate. Please note that according to our Service agreement with the Workers Compensation Boards of the various provinces, only Nova Scotia’s WBC rate is modifiable.

Information to stay compliant here
▪If applicable, you must transmit us, by email or fax, any other contribution rates (e.g.: retirement plan, union fees, etc.).
▪The rates are indicated on your Agencies remittances – SPD615 payroll report.
▪Verify the remittance rate provided by the CNESST.
Verify the remittance rate indicated for each of your companies using the SST remittance rate function.
If you have more than one classification unit (only clients with more than one classification unit have to modify their classification rate):
–You have to modify your rate according to the information included in the letter from the CNESST, using the Modification of the SST classification rate function.
–If you fail to modify your rate, we will not be able to guarantee the accuracy of the data on your SST report.
▪Verify and modify the HSF rate of your company.
–If your company’s HSF rate needs to be modified, this should be done using the Health Services Fund (HSF) rate modification function.
If you modify your HSF rate after your first 2025 payroll, a retroactive calculation will be performed. Note that a fee is applicable for this calculation.
You have to verify the remittance rate indicated for each of your companies (according to the information provided in the letter from the WCB) using the SST remittance rate (or SST and WCB) function.
Modify your EHT contribution rate or exemption for 2025.
If your company’s EHT contribution rate or exemption needs to be modified, this should be done using the EHT rate function before processing your first 2025 payroll.
If you modify your EHT rate after your first 2025 payroll, a retroactive calculation will be performed. Note that a fee is applicable for this calculation.
Modify your EHT contribution rate or exemption for 2025.
If your company’s EHT contribution rate or exemption needs to be modified and you are using the D699 deduction to help you manage the EHT remittance, you must advise us by email or by fax so that we can adjust your file accordingly.
Situation A – Modification of a special reduced rate:
If the government allowed you a reduced rate that differs from those detailed in the current rates table, presented in section B, you must modify it using the Reduced EI rate function.
Situation B – Reduced rate conform to the current reduced rates table: the rate will automatically modified in our system:
If the government allowed you a reduced rate that complies with last year’s rates, and maintains its decision regarding the rate for next year, no modification is required since your system will be updated the current rates table.
Rates for other provinces
Rates for Québec
Category 1
Category 2
Category 3
Category 4
Category 1
Category 2
Category 3
Category 4
Situation C – Procurement or loss of a reduced rate:
If you recently obtained a reduced rate for next year, or have lost the privilege of a reduced rate for next year, send the notice to that effect you received from the government and will make the modification on your behalf.
Benefit: Ensure compliance with governmental regulations and avoid penalties. Also, avoid additional service fees.

Watch the "How to modify the employer rates?" video tutorial here
What do you want to do ?
Modifying a SST or WCB classification rate
Modifying a EHT rate (Manitoba and Ontario)
Modifying a HSF rate (Quebec)
Modifying a reduced employement insurance rate (EI)
Modifying a WCB remittance rate (Nova Scotia only)
Viewing the SST remittance rate (Quebec only)
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