Modifying your user profile (cell phone, calling code, email, password, etc)

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Modifying your user profile (cell phone, calling code, email, password, etc)

Access: Profil > User profile

This screen allows you to modify your authentication information. To do so, type or select the information of your choice.

Note that the information will be displayed according to your type of use and your access. For example, the calling code displayed is only for a user authorized to communicate with our customer service.


hmtoggle_plus1Calling code
hmtoggle_plus1Password change
hmtoggle_plus1Authentication information (email, cell phone, etc.)
hmtoggle_plus1Authentication options if you forgot your password
hmtoggle_plus1Communication settings



Things to remember

For most modifications to your user profile, you will receive an email confirming the addition or modification to your email address. If you are not the author of this action or if you believe that an unauthorized person could have used your information to access your data inthe payroll application, please change your password and advise the person in charge of your human resources or payroll as soon as possible.


Tips and tricks

An authorized Application manager or User - access to functions1 can reset the authentication information found in the profile of another locked user (refer to Reset authentication information of a user (email, cell phone, etc.). They can also view the modifications made to a user profile using the User security modifications function (User management > Tools).

Note 1: With full access to the Reset authentication information function under the User profile in the User management section (User management > User profile > Access to functions).