Delegating an approval or deleting a delegation (for another approver)

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Delegating an approval or deleting a delegation (for another approver)

Access: Configuration > Communication > Requests > Manage delegations

Manage delegations allows you to appoint a delegated approver if you are unable to process your approvals. The request administrator cannot delegate their own approvals to another user because they are the approver in emergency situations and have access to all employees. In this case, they must contact the application manager.

Warning Note that if you have processed requests as a delegated approver, those requests do not show up in your management window or the system report (Report Generator module) after the delegation period has ended.

Things to remember

Delegated approvers are granted secure access to the information of the employees of the approver they are replacing, but only regarding requests needing approval. They do not have access to any other employee data.

Users with the required access may exceptionally create or modify delegations on behalf of all approvers.

The request administrator cannot delegate their own approvals to another user because they are the approver in emergency situations and have access to all employees. In this case, they must contact the application manager so that this role can be attributed to another user.

hmtoggle_plus1Delegating an approval
hmtoggle_plus1Deleting a delegation

For more information

Requests and delegations configuration – Additional information