Viewing the mass modification results

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Viewing the mass modification results

Access: Employee file > Tools > Mass update > Mass modification results

This screen displays the results of the mass modification generated from the Employees, Banks, Earnings and deductions, Record of employment and Salary progression functions (the salary progression is exclusive to clients using the Human Resources solution).    

1 Under List of batch jobs, click on the hyperlink of the desired result.

There are two types of results: Execution and Simulation. These are generated according to the selected option of mass modification (Batch simulation or Batch save).  

2Click on Fleche bleue_blanc to view the selected criteria.

In the displayed window, click on Recover these criteria for a new mass update to return to the original mass creation screen and execute a new batch simulation or batch save using the same criteria. You can modify the criteria as needed.

Tips and tricks

To delete a result, check the box of the desired result, and then click on Delete

For more information

Applying an employee's mass salary progression (Human Resources solution)

Generating records of employment (ROE) massively

Modifying earnings and deductions massively

Modifying banks massively

Modifying employment and compensation data massively

Modifying employee files massively - Additional information