1Enter the name of the report to produce in the Report name field or select “standard” from the Group field dropdown list.
2Click on Refresh. The list of all the “standard” reports will show. Check the box of the report.
3Click on Produce.
4Under the Criteria, use the drop-down list of the Company number field to select the company.
5Select the report format from the dropdown list of the Report Format field. If you select “Delimited text”, the additional fields Column separator and Decimal sign are displayed, allowing for the selection of the desired character.
6Enter the desired value in the Average worked days per week field. (This field shows the average number of worked days per employee to be considered for the absenteeism rate calculation.)
7Enter the desired value in the Average worked hours per day field. (This field shows the average number of worked hours per employee to be considered for the absenteeism rate calculation.)
8Select the Employee type.
9Select the format from the Format dropdown list.
10To produce the report, it is mandatory to select the Period covered in the Selection table. Click on one of the following icons: to select a date from the calendar or to select a specific period.
11Select the desired organizational structure elements or work numbers.
12Select the employee numbers or names.
13Under the Absence earnings heading, select the payed absence earnings (in hours) to be included in the calculation. To do so, use the arrow or double-click on the elements from the table on the left to transfer them to the table on the right.
14Under the Employee status heading, select the status of the employees for whom you wish to produce the report.
15From the dropdown list of the Employees sort order field under the Options heading, select the order in which you wish to sort the employees in the report.
16If you wish to print your chosen criteria on the first page of the report, check the box in the Print criteria field.
17Click on Execute. The Production underway heading appears showing the name of the report to produce. When the report will be ready,
the Produced reports screen will show. You will then be able to select and view the report. You can also view the report later in the Processed reports function |